Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tea Towel Murders: Part Deux

It's like a scene from Sunset Boulevard, isn't it? Poor little olive.

Perhaps it's his sour disposition that got him killed.

I'm hard at work (snrk) on my next installment in the series. I'm trying to make it grisly without using knives all the time.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Vintage Ornaments

I found these at my favorite antiques/junkshop. They're quite delicate; one of the Santas in the last picture lost a leg during the photoshoot!
He's propped inside of a tiny bud vase.

The middle Santa is rather pink in the face... like grog-blossomed pink. Santa needs to go to rehab.

Country Girl Clothespin Dolls

This was a fun project. I ordered the kit from Alicia Paulson, of Posie Gets Cozy.

The felt mushrooms came from a pattern by My Little Mochi. I love the manic expression in the redhead's eyes. She's a little hopped up on caffeine.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Truthiness by Subversive Cross Stitch

I totally need to get this framed for the office. I've only had it for 2 years. ::facepalm::
I've at least ironed out the hoop marks.

Some Sublime Stitching Projects

I loved stitching this Reform School Girl! She's very Rita Hayworth, I think.

Cute librarian!

This librarian was completely adorable until the Republican National Convention at which point it became kinda creepy. Until someone pointed out that the librarian is reading, which totally ends the similarity.

She's also reading "Hogwarts: A History," for a skoche more irony.

I customized the Sublime Stitching deer pattern as Snape's deer patronus.

Alabama Stitch Book project

Upcycling of a stained but otherwise sturdy t-shirt, based on the pattern from the totally awesome Alabama Stitch Book (and if you haven't looked at this book, you're totally missing out!)

Tea Towel Murder: Tomato

After seeing lovely and wonderful embroidery patterns with happy -- or at worst sneering -- fruits and veg, I wondered if perhaps some of those happy pieces of produce might be hiding a dark (and mushy) side.
Every one of you saying "Aw, poor tomato"... you don't know. Maybe, just maybe, he had it coming.
This idea presented itself fully-fleshed and dripping with tomato sauce, and it made me giggle. Three weeks later and I'm still giggling.
Clearly I am a sick, sick woman.
More Tea Towel Murders to come.
I sublimate my rage through needlework. ;-)

Mea culpa... I just realized that I got my "original" idea for this project from here, "Kitchen Calamities" by Kristin Mary. No disrespect intended; I loved the series when I first saw it, and even gushed over how cool it is. And then I woke up to a new world and thought my idea was mine alone.
Color me crushed. :'(

TARDIS Dishtowel

I designed and stitched this for an Internet Friend this summer. "Allons-y" references the Tenth Doctor, who tends to say this.

Yes, I know the windows are wonky.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Quilt

I'm working on my very first quilt; "Brick Path" by Amy Butler.

It's going well; this is a very forgiving pattern, especially for me and my slipshod construction. This is the first 6 rows of a total 18, so I'm 1/3 done with the top.